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Village Smile Care, 1730 Springdale St. Mt Horeb, WI 53572

The White Stuff – Dentist vs. Do-It-Yourself Whitening

Just because you have the tools to do something yourself, doesn’t always mean you should. Things can go wrong, and they do. You probably know – or have seen – someone who has had an unfortunate interlude with boxed hair coloring. They look more like they lost a bet rather than made an innocent attempt at covering the gray. And, if you’re not careful, self-whitening can leave you looking like you’ve woken on the wrong side of a bet, too.

There’s far more to teeth whitening than just a timer and gel. If not done properly, there can be pain and permanent discoloration – and you can’t grow back your teeth in two weeks like a lemon shark. But your dentist has the expertise and professional-grade products to ensure your whitening is pain-free with a smile as smooth and bright as new porcelain.

So, What Can Go Wrong When Taking On Whitening Yourself?

Download our Free E-Book:

The White Stuff – Dentist vs. Do-It-Yourself Whitening

The advantages of your dentist doing your whitening are significant. Learn what can go wrong in a do-it-your-self session and why your dentist is the best whitening choice.

What you will learn:

  • How over-bleaching can lead to permanent discoloration
  • How over-the-counter whiteners can leave you with spotted teeth
  • How the dentist can prevent common tooth sensitivity that comes with whitening
  • How the dentist can ensure your gums are not damaged by the bleach
  • How professional whitening can be more economical than over-the-counter whitening

Village Smile Care. 1730 Springdale St. Mt Horeb, WI 53572. Call (608) 437-7645

Office Hours

Monday: 7am to 4:30pm
Tuesday: 7am to 4:30pm
Wednesday: 7am to 4:30pm
Thursday: 9am to 3pm
Friday: By Appointment

Contact Us

(608) 437-7645

New Patient Forms

We are always excited to see new smiles coming through our door! In order to provide you with the best level of care, we need to get some information from you. Please fill out your new patient forms below: