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Village Smile Care, 1730 Springdale St. Mt Horeb, WI 53572

Do whitening products actually whiten your teeth?

There Is No Doubt That Fierce Competition Exists Within Teeth Whitening Products. But Which One Is Best, And Do They Even Work?

Every consumer having pursued the quest for “pearly whites” has grappled with this question. Which product is the best? Is it worth the money? Below are some interesting facts for you to think about:

Some offer nothing more than an Optical Illusion.

Whitening toothpaste and over the counter strips containing the chemical blue covarine creates an optical illusion that can make teeth appear less yellow. It accomplishes this by adhering to the surface of the teeth. However, toothpaste cannot actually change the color of teeth.

Eventually, you will see a whiter smile. But who has 6 weeks to wait for it?

When used twice a day, standard whitening toothpaste can take from two to six weeks to make teeth appear whiter.

Be Careful Not to Damage Your Tooth Enamel.

Although whitening toothpaste is generally safe for daily use, be careful to follow manufacturer recommendations. Excessive use of whitening toothpaste can damage your tooth enamel over time.

Your personal habits will likely be the biggest game-changer.

Your results will vary based on the types of foods and other personal health care habits you maintain. This is regardless of what product you use.

Want To Know Which Whitening Products Make The Grade?

Like you, we wanted to know which whitening products actually were worth the investment. And, selfishly we wanted to know if anything was equal to, or better than professional whitening. You won’t believe what we discovered.

What you will learn:

  • Which whitening products work

  • Which products can do more harm than good

  • Which high-cost products provided lesser results

Village Smile Care. 1730 Springdale St. Mt Horeb, WI 53572. Call (608) 437-7645

Office Hours

Monday: 7am to 4:30pm
Tuesday: 7am to 4:30pm
Wednesday: 7am to 4:30pm
Thursday: 9am to 3pm
Friday: By Appointment

Contact Us

(608) 437-7645

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